
Thursday, June 30, 2011

shop update: red, white, and blue part 3

I didn't realize there would be a part 3 of this red, white, and blue update until I decided to organize the downstairs closet. Fun surprise! Check them out here if you'd like.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

little vintage style v.11

Welcome to Little Vintage Style, a place to show off your little ones (and you too)! Link up your kiddos wearing vintage clothing or clothing made from a vintage pattern - and make sure to click around and say hello to all of the other vintage lovin' mommas like you!

This week I thought I would document a part of our lives that has never been captured before... the post office! We usually go once or twice a week to drop off international packages and LM has the drill down. She knows she can get stickers and coloring books on a good day, but she can always get her favorite happy face stamp! There have been times when we've walked out the door before she remembered it and insisted we go back. I don't complain though, it is the reason she is always willing to make a post office run!

LM wore: vintage dress - ebay (also has matching coat and hat I'll have to share another time), leggings - Target, shoes - Keep

Link up below!

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

summer feet

We are keeping happy and busy so far this summer.

Since I can't seem to put together a cohesive blog post lately, you can follow me on twitter @HartandSew now for updates 140 characters or less. I think I can handle that.

Hope you're having a fun summer too! Enjoy it to the fullest!
See you tomorrow for LVS...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

pretties wishlist

Did I say there was nothing more I wanted in life this birthday weekend? Well, here are some pretties I wouldn't mind getting... you know, if I had to...

Actually, I did get the shoes as a birthday present to myself and I love them :)

**Update: The shoes broke and I returned them. :(  Such a bummer... on the search for the perfect pair again...***

Friday, June 24, 2011

happy 28

(me, LM, and a wildflower)

I wish I could capture today's feeling and bottle it up (taking a polaroid was the next best option. Too bad it turned out all wonky). I always want to remember that on the weekend I turned 28 years old, there was nothing more I wanted or needed in life.

I have a sweet sleeping baby upstairs, a cute toddler/princess/mermaid, and a handsome husband working hard for our family on his way home to sweep me off my feet and take me out on the town.

Even if I am romanticizing my life a bit, the point is I am more happy and content now than I ever have been before... so, I think 28 is going to be good. Or, I suppose I should say great! :)

let' have a mini-celebration, shall we?
this weekend enter the coupon code HAPPY28 for 28% off your order at hart+sew
happy weekend!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

shop update: red, white, and blue part 2

Here is part 2 of the red, white, and blue shop update. Head on over if you want a closer look, thanks!

little vintage style v.10

Welcome to Little Vintage Style, a place to show off your little ones (and you too)! Link up your kiddos wearing vintage clothing or clothing made from a vintage pattern - and make sure to click around and say hello to all of the other vintage lovin' mommas like you!


We had a picnic at the park yesterday (if you can call a menu of suckers a picnic - we sat on a blanket so I think it counts). I decided going to this particular park will have to become a new weekly tradition - except in swimsuits, because how could I forget about the awesome stream running through it all the kids play in during the summer?! I told LM she could get as wet and muddy as she wanted, but she decided to come back another day when she was properly attired. That girl likes things to be just so (that and the water was cold).

Lark spent some time looking at the sunshine filtering through the leaves. Not a bad way to spend a beautiful afternoon.

LM wore: vintage top - thrifted, shorts - Target, shoes - Saltwater sandals
Lark wore: vintage sweater - thrifted, cloth diaper - bum genius 
Momma wore: vintage top - thrifted

What are your favorite summer hang out spots?

Link up below!

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Monday, June 20, 2011

shop update: red, white, and blue part 1

The Fourth of July is just a couple of weeks away. It is one of my favorite holidays - I love watching the fireworks! Here is part 1 of a red, white, and blue shop update I am working on... go here if you'd like to take a closer look! I'll have part 2 up later in the week. 

Do you dress your little ones up festive for the Fourth of July? I remember wearing shorts that were striped like a flag and the pockets were stars. I rocked them while rollerblading in the neighborhood parade, its a fun memory!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

lark// 3 months

The expression in the picture above can go two ways... I am preferring to think of it as a little 'Oh yeah, I'm awesome!' look of excitement for turning three months old!

This past month has been a breeze folks, and I can credit most of it to this little girl deciding to become a thumb sucker. She will only do it when she is sleepy so I didn't get a picture, but I can lay her down wide eyed (albeit tired) for a nap and she will pop that sucker in and be good to go. I cannot tell you how amazingly giddy this makes me.* For now, I am choosing not to think about the possibility of buck teeth in her future.

*Don't worry, I still get lots of cuddle time with her during nursing. Being able to lay her down this easily makes me happy because it helps me have more time to devote to LM...or the laundry :)

This month she also started giggling and squealing when I tickle her neck and thighs, reaching for objects hanging above her, and wiggling enough to move from the spot I placed her. She also gained a whole lot more booty as I started using cloth diapers again. I loved the bum genius all-in-ones we used for LM and still use them, but I also got some of their newer version that has snaps instead of velcro - much better since the velcro eventually started popping open as LM got bigger...

I am so loving my new momma of two status. Lark is such a sweetheart! 

I'll be taking pictures of Lark wearing her brooch monthly from now on...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

little vintage style v.9

Welcome to Little Vintage Style, a place to show off your little ones rocking the vintage look! Link up your kiddos wearing vintage clothing, or clothing made from or inspired by a vintage pattern - we'd love to see!

Lark is finally making another appearance in LVS! These pictures were actually taken about a month ago on her blessing day. She wore a vintage 1940/50's pale yellow dress with pretty embroidered flowers. I actually procrastinated planning her outfit until a few days before, and was lucky to dig this beauty out of a box I had forgotten about in my vintage kids closet - it fit perfectly! She looked beautiful and I'm so glad she was able to wear a special dress on her special day. 

As for the rest of us, LM and I wore vintage this day too (Husband is a vintage supporter, but isn't into wearing it himself). I wore the same dress as the very first LVS, and LM wore the same dress as this post.

I love her out of control curls and popsicle stained lips. Her and Lark also wore matching handmade felt flowers in their hair made by and given to us by my sister.

And, here is a closer look at the details on Lark's dress...

 (all photos by Valerie, except last one by me)

Link up your vintage style below!

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

on the road again

This past weekend we snuck away on another little family road trip to spend more time in the sun and the water. This summer is starting out nicely, I think.

Today we are unpacking, doing laundry, and cleaning up my newly thrifted  mid-century headboard (you can catch a glimpse in the second pic). Can't pass up a good find even if we are hours from home and have to stuff it in the car!

I'll be back tomorrow with a Little Vintage Style post, some more pictures of our trip later in the week, and I will hopefully get around to taking Lark's three month pictures soon too! How has your summer been going? Gone on any fun trips? 


Thursday, June 9, 2011

party time!

(photo by Rachel)

Today you can find me over at Rachel's lovely new space - she is having a blog party and you are all invited! Already this morning there are some fun posts up including the cutest DIY using a vintage baby dress - be still my  heart. I can't wait to see what the rest of the day has in store!

Head on over to tell Rachel how awesome she is, and then make sure to enter my giveaway for a chance to win a $50 shop credit to  hart+sew! Good  luck!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

little vintage style v.8

Welcome to Little Vintage Style, a place to show off your little ones rocking the vintage look! Link up your kiddos wearing vintage clothing, or clothing made from or inspired by a vintage pattern - we'd love to see!

This week I am giving you a closer look at the dress LM wore to The Little Mermaid play this past weekend. At the time, I wasn't thinking I would be using this outfit for LVS so I didn't get the greatest shots to show it off, but it is one of my favorite prints and I love the saturated colors! It's a cute little handmade shift dress with a bow sewn on the front.

My sister bought LM and her cousin princess crowns and jewelry to wear to the play which made it so fun for them, and got them extra excited to see Ariel. It was cute to see them all dolled up for their first real night out on the town!

LM wore: vintage shift dress, Anthropologie cardigan, Saltwater sandals, princess jewelry from Walgreens :)

See past LVS posts here.

Link up your little ones below!

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