
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

little vintage style v.36

Welcome to the last Little Vintage Style link up! In case you missed my previous post, I have decided it is time to end the link up portion of LVS along with the closing of the year. I will still be doing LVS posts with both my family and guest posters, however, I will no longer hold myself to doing them every single week, and will not be asking you to link up (although I would be so happy if you left me a link in the comments, as I love seeing your sweet kiddos!). Thank you to everyone who participated this past year, really sincerely thank you! It's been so fun.


We took LM to sit on Santa's lap for the first time this year, and of course it was Lark's first time too. Since LM is old enough now to really grasp onto the idea of Santa she was excited and had prepared an answer to the inevitable question, 'What do you want for Christmas?' Her answer, 'A toy spaceship!' We asked her what she would say right after the Killers 'Spaceship Adventure' song played in the car, so there you go. I will admit to completely forgetting about her request until very late Christmas Eve, but thankfully she didn't seem to notice Santa's failed delivery.

Santa had stopped off at Cabela's, an outdoors-man's warehouse, and was giving free pictures so we dressed the girl's up in their Christmas best and headed over to see him. There was a pretty Christmas tree right next to him, so I smiled when the background of the picture turned out to be the stuffed deer on display instead. Let's just pretend it's Blitzen, shall we? Above is the picture they gave us, and below is one I took with my phone.

LM was a little apprehensive when our turn finally came, but she warmed up pretty fast and in the end we had to go get her off his lap. Lark looked at him inquisitively, and then proceeded to suck her thumb. She seems to have skipped the whole stranger anxiety phase, so no tears for either of them this year. The girls both wore festive vintage dresses I pulled out of my stash.

They wore their dresses to church on Christmas day as well, and I also pulled out my most recent vintage purchase. You can see how dance class has influenced LM's posing for pictures, ha!

LM wore: dress, vintage/tights, Old Navy/black shoes, thrifted and white shoes, Old Navy/sweater, Target/clip, handmade.
Lark wore: dress, vintage/tights, hand-me-downs/shoes, vintage - gift from SIL/headband, Lou and Lee/sweater, vintage.

If you'd like, link up below. Thanks!

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

our christmas...


We had such a great Christmas season this year. Since we celebrated early with Husband's family when we traveled for the funeral a couple of weeks ago, this year was the first time we haven't had to pack up and leave after Christmas morning. That meant on Monday the girls got to play with their new toys (okay, let's be real - LM played with them and Lark chewed on them), papa got to play his video games, and mama got to organize all the closets. I am on a purging kick right now - if you haven't been used in the last year you better watch out!

On Christmas Eve we added the star to the top of our jewelry advent calendar, I wrapped up the last of the gifts - including a set of vintage puzzles I thrifted, the girls got new pajamas, and we watched Whinnie the Pooh (or at least some of us did, ahem Husband).

Then it was time for Christmas stories, and lights out so Santa could come!

Santa delivered and on Christmas morning there was a dollhouse waiting by the tree for the girls. LM ran right up to it and immediately started playing with the dolls. It was such a hit that we forgot all about the stockings until after the presents were opened and we were cleaning up wrapping paper bits!

For me, this was a great Christmas for my feet, and Husband got some new kitchen gadgets. We were all spoiled just the right amount - mostly with things we actually needed, but with a few wants thrown in for good measure. Case in point, those tiny pink metallic oxfords? Definitely a want, I couldn't resist. ;)

After presents, we had our traditional breakfast of ebleskievers. Then we gussied up for church where Husband sang in the choir, and we were reminded of the true meaning of Christmas. Later, we had Christmas dinner with my family so it was a full day spent with those we love. We hope you had a wonderful day as well!

On a different note... I've been thinking a lot about the upcoming year, what I need to change, and what goals I want to set that will be best for my family. One thing I know I need to do is make sure this space, which I love and enjoy but can also take up quite a bit of my time, does not interfere with my top priority of raising LM and Lark. So, with that in mind along with other reasons, I've decided that this Wednesday will be the last link up party for Little Vintage Style. I apologize for not hosting it last week when I was sans computer, and also for this abrupt notice of its end.

I still plan on doing Little Vintage Style posts, both with our family and guest posters, but I will no longer hold myself to doing them every week or ask you to link up (although I would be so happy if you left me a link in the comments). Thank you to everyone who has participated this past year, I have loved seeing your kiddos retro style and getting to know you! I hope you'll still do vintage style posts and keep up those ties. We'll see you tomorrow!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

merry christmas!

Merry Christmas friends! Hope your day is filled with peace, love, and joy.

Best wishes, the Harts

photos by Bri
card put together by Valerie

Monday, December 19, 2011

lark// 9 months

I have not been good at keeping up with Lark's monthly photo shoots wearing her brooch. I made it to six months at least!

Now she is nine months old and I am in complete denial. It can't be true! But she apparently wants to grow up fast because she is already standing well on her own, and starting to cruise all over the house. We are just waiting for that first tentative step.

She has a really sweet temperament, but watch out - if you get too close she'll slap you in the face with lightening speed! It is quite funny actually. It's her way of showing she likes you, and she usually gives you a gummy smile too (no teeth yet). She also babbles constantly and smacks her lips when you ask her for kisses.

Every morning I bring her into bed with me to nurse and LM will wake up shortly after and join us. It's the perfect way to start the day, watching their eyes light up when they see each other and hearing their giggles as they hug good morning. She loves her big sister.

And we all love her!

Our computer is being fixed at the moment so I am posting this from my phone - hope it looks alright. Posting may be a bit spotty for the next little while as a result... I'll be spending my computer-free time putting together all of the last minute details for this weekend. Are you ready for Christmas? Only six more days!!! Hope to be back soon, xo.

Friday, December 16, 2011

shop update: Holiday Sale!

Thank you for all of the comments and emails earlier this week, we are back from our quick trip. The funeral was nice and it was wonderful to see so much family. We even got to put together an 'Express Christmas' one night which was a lot of fun (Modern Family anyone? Best episode ever). I'll share more later, but for now I wanted to let you know I'm having a sale in the shop - enter the code MERRY at check out for 20% off your order. Christmas is coming up fast! Eep!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

little vintage style v.35

Welcome to Little Vintage Style, a place to show off your sweet little ones wearing vintage! Link up every Wednesday, and make sure to click around and say 'hello!' to all of the other vintage lovin' mamas like you!


Hi, I’m Kelli from urban moppets and I’m so excited to be visiting today. I love the vintage fashion trend and I guess you could say that I’m a little vintage myself ! Yes, I have 3 grown children, 5 grands between 16 mos and 7 yrs, and a 5 year old daughter! I have always been a little obsessed with children’s fashion and have been sewing since I was young. I made a lot of clothes for my older kids when they were little and actually saved several of their favorite outfits from back then, both homemade and bought. I never expected to have another little one wearing them as vintage clothes years later but it is a lot of fun to see my five year old daughter and even my grand children in them. My Moppet loves wearing anything that her older sisters wore when they were little! 

This little blue romper was not made by me but was a favorite of mine back then so I hung onto it for some reason.  My moppet loves this one and calls it her “acrobat suit”.  I don’t have a clue where that idea came from!  

My granddaughter is wearing the yellow gingham dress and pinafore outfit. It has a matching bloomers and a bonnet but she didn’t want anything to do with the bonnet! I made it for her mommy when she was a baby! I’m so glad that I kept these things, it’s great to see them being worn again.

I have also started sewing some vintage inspired clothes for the littles in my life.  This pink cape was made from vintage curtains that belonged to my husband’s mother and trimmed with lace from one of her antique tablecloths that had some damage to it.  The blue floral wrap dress was made from vintage pattern from 1958 and the fabric has been in my stash for over 20 years. I have some other vintage patterns that I can’t wait to get started on!

Thanks so much for letting me stop by today Stacy….I love your vintage style and your little moppets are adorable!  Please stop by my blog and enter my first giveaway!

Thanks Kelli, how fun to get to see your favorite clothes worn again! If you'd like, grab a button on the sidebar and link up below...

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Sunday, December 11, 2011


I know I have been missing these past few days, and unfortunately, I am not sure when or if I will be back again this week (although I do have a guest post scheduled for LVS so make sure to stop by Wednesday and show her some love!). We are leaving town again to attend a family funeral. We knew it would be sometime soon, but were still caught a little off guard.

I feel like everything in my life right now is like the picture above, half finished and in limbo. I look forward to getting back into a normal routine, but for now spending time with family and celebrating a well lived life is my first priority. I'll see you soon, friends.


(p.s. you can find the ornament pattern here)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

little vintage style v.34

 Welcome to Little Vintage Style, a place to show off your sweet little ones wearing vintage! Link up every Wednesday, and make sure to click around and say 'hello!' to all of the other vintage lovin' mamas like you!


As I mentioned earlier, LM started taking dance classes this Fall and I am not sure there is anything sweeter than little girls with top knots and tutus standing on their tippy toes. She loves her class, her teacher, and all of her new friends. Every week I take her picture before it's time to leave and as the weeks go by her ballerina poses just keep getting better and better.

She always wears a coat or sweater to keep warm, and her rain boots over her ballet slippers to keep them nice. This week she wore a new-to-us vintage cardigan I got from Little Reader Vintage. If this were my size I would totally wear it, but since it is mini I think it is even cuter - what is it about small versions of things?

I usually don't stick around during her class, but I've seen the dances and tumbling they do and it is every three-year-old girl's dream. I'm so glad she enjoys dancing and that we have something so fun to look forward to each week during these cold weather months!

 LM is wearing: cardigan, vintage//leotard, tights and rain boots, Target//ballet shoes, PayLess

If you'd like, grab a button on the side bar and link up below!

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Monday, December 5, 2011

shop update

New clothes in the shop today! You can take a closer look here.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

music for little ones

As you know, I am always on the look out for great new children's music and thanks to smaller I discovered the sweet sound of Renee & Jeremy. The It's a Big World video is so beautiful. When I played it the first time LM stopped what she was doing, came over and sat on my lap mesmerized. When she clasped her hands together under her chin and started swaying and trying to sing along half way through I knew this would be a great stocking stuffer for my little music lover.

Also, take a listen to their fun Christmas song here.

For those of you in a reader, click through to see the video and playlist!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

little vintage style v.33

Welcome to Little Vintage Style, a place to show off your sweet little ones wearing vintage! Link up every Wednesday, and make sure to click around and say 'hello!' to all of the other vintage lovin' mamas like you!

We had such a nice Thanksgiving weekend with my in-laws this year. There was plenty of yummy food, Husband and I took turns sleeping in, and we basically didn't see LM for three days since she spent every waking moment playing with her cousins - she was in complete heaven. Not having to check in on her as often made me realize how grown up she is, how did that happen?! And, consequently, it was nice to have a bit of sweet freedom! (from constantly watching one child at least).

On Thanksgiving day we wore stretchy clothes (I opted for an elastic waistband skirt), these pictures were taken after church. We certainly don't wear vintage everyday, but Sundays seem to bring it out more often than not since I love pretty little girl frocks. Coordinating outfits unintentional.

LM's dress is deadstock from the 40's and the print is so unique. It reminds me of old video games, although I am sure it was meant to mimic cross-stitch. I think the whale guy is my favorite.

And, in case you haven't noticed someone has decided to be a ham in front of the camera at all times now :))

LM wore: dress, 40's vintage//headband tights shoes, Old Navy
Lark wore: thrifted dress and hand-me-downs (thanks Val!)
Mama wore: wrap, Anthropologie//skirt, vintage//shoes and necklace, Target

How was your Thanksgiving weekend? Do you dress up fancy, or throw on a pair of yoga pants?

If you'd like, grab a button on the sidebar and link up below!

Want to guest post for LVS? Email me, I'd love to hear from you!

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

black friday

The majority of my Black Friday shopping was spent at a favorite local consignment shop trying on vintage dresses, and throwing open old pretty quilts to gush over all of the amazing prints. I avoided the crowds at major chain stores, but I also didn't make much of a dent in my Christmas shopping list (although I would have if the awesome wooden dollhouse they had didn't need quite so much TLC - the girls would have loved it). I am sure I missed out on some good deals for things we don't really need, but this year I am finding myself not so concerned about buying presents for us or the girls.

Yes, we will unwrap our traditional pajamas and a board game to play on Christmas Eve, but being comfortable and warm and laughing with my family is what I want to focus on. We will still have stockings and open presents on Christmas morning, but sitting down together for a delicious Husband-made breakfast of ebleskievers, and snuggling on the couch for a movie night is what I look forward to more.

I am sure the right, thoughtfully purchased presents for everyone will be found in time, but definitely in smaller amounts this year. In the meantime I did leave the shop that day with this little green velvet number for myself, so it wasn't a total loss... ;) Have you made a dent in your Christmas shopping? Did you brave the crowds last weekend, or hit up local shops and thrifts instead?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

little vintage style v.32

Welcome to Little Vintage Style, a place to show off your sweet little ones wearing vintage! Link up every Wednesday, and make sure to click around and say 'hello!' to all of the other vintage lovin' mamas like you!

Today we are traveling out of town to stay with family for Thanksgiving until early next week. I plan on stuffing my face, sneaking in a nap or two along with the baby, and enjoying lots of quality time with Husband. That is what I love the most about the holidays - he is home with us! Can't get enough of that man. 

These pictures were taken on a late Sunday afternoon. I pulled this cute school-themed dress from the shop after it hadn't sold in a year or so... which surprised me because I love this dress and the print is so fun - I guess I was meant to keep it!  

LM is wearing: dress, vintage//socks, Old Navy//shoes, Old Navy

Have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! If you'd like, grab a button on the sidebar and link up below...

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011



i am thankful for...

my family//my sweet girls
accomplishments big - standing!//and small - holding still for a hairdo!
a passion I truly love//pretty vintage frocks
delicious food//the chance to spend time with family this holiday

and many many more things I am blessed with every day.
so thankful.

and also, thank you for your friendship, comments, support, and inspiration. it sure means a lot.

(family picture taken with my iphone of original picture by collected photography)