
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

h+s kids: milla plum

One of the reasons I love selling vintage clothing is knowing that cast off, forgotten, or (in the best case) once loved items are getting a new life. So I did a little happy dance when I saw these pictures of items purchased from my shop...

I don't think these two dresses could have been paired with a more perfect model than Milla Plum, stylish daughter of James from Bleubird fame. I would absolutely love to see these pictures matched up next to the little girl who once wore them!

Lookin' good Miss Plum!


  1. Oh I LOVE these - I very nearly got that blue and white dress for my niece, I love the old weatherboard backdrop for the pink dress shots too.

  2. Isn't she adorable! That blue and white dress is gorgeous. I can't wait till I have kids so I can start decking them out in vintage gear. I know my mum has some of my stuff put away from when I was a baby so it'll be cool for them to wear those things too.
