We started our trip off with a stop to see a Styx concert with the in-laws. It was so fun, they were very entertaining, still sound great, and didn't look too bad in their tight pants. The whole time they were throwing little prizes into the audience; I got a guitar pick and my brother-in-law caught a beach ball. It was a great night.

Then we had two full days in San Diego. The first day we spent entirely at the zoo. We all loved seeing the animals up close. My favorite part was turning a corner and coming face to face with a huge black panther gnawing on a leg bone. There are so many beautiful creatures on this Earth. It was the Little Miss' first trip to the zoo and a memorable one. When we got back for the night Husband randomly got stung by a bee in our hotel bathroom - I still can't believe it happened!

The next day we spent the morning at the beach. It was the Little Miss' first trip to the beach and her birthday! She had fun building sand castles with her daddy and testing out the water with her toes.

That night we went to La Jolla Cove and had a BBQ then walked along the path to see the seals. I love the look of wonder on her face. Then we found a cupcake shop and celebrated her turning two!
It was the perfect getaway for our family and a trip at least Husband and I will always remember :)