
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

this season

Lately I've been thinking about how I would like this busy Christmas season to be one full of love, service, fun, and the spirit of Christ. I want to find the balance between the spiritual side of Christmas and the sparkly commercial side - at least I want to try. So, I swiped the long list of projects/activities piling up in my head and instead I wrote down a short mandatory to-do list:

- make baby blankets to donate to the hospital (we are doing this with my family on Saturday)
- have a blast at our family Christmas party and let the Little Miss stay up as late as she wants playing with her cousins
- finish the handmade gifts I am giving and don't start any new ones
- take time to renew my faith and love for Christ and help the Little Miss understand why we are celebrating in the first place
- enjoy time with family and be thankful for them

And that's it. No pressure to do anything else for the rest of the month. I'm sure I'll end up getting more than my list done (like finishing that little project pictured) but it's nice to have given myself the okay if I don't. I already feel less stressed :)

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