
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

little vintage style v.33

Welcome to Little Vintage Style, a place to show off your sweet little ones wearing vintage! Link up every Wednesday, and make sure to click around and say 'hello!' to all of the other vintage lovin' mamas like you!

We had such a nice Thanksgiving weekend with my in-laws this year. There was plenty of yummy food, Husband and I took turns sleeping in, and we basically didn't see LM for three days since she spent every waking moment playing with her cousins - she was in complete heaven. Not having to check in on her as often made me realize how grown up she is, how did that happen?! And, consequently, it was nice to have a bit of sweet freedom! (from constantly watching one child at least).

On Thanksgiving day we wore stretchy clothes (I opted for an elastic waistband skirt), these pictures were taken after church. We certainly don't wear vintage everyday, but Sundays seem to bring it out more often than not since I love pretty little girl frocks. Coordinating outfits unintentional.

LM's dress is deadstock from the 40's and the print is so unique. It reminds me of old video games, although I am sure it was meant to mimic cross-stitch. I think the whale guy is my favorite.

And, in case you haven't noticed someone has decided to be a ham in front of the camera at all times now :))

LM wore: dress, 40's vintage//headband tights shoes, Old Navy
Lark wore: thrifted dress and hand-me-downs (thanks Val!)
Mama wore: wrap, Anthropologie//skirt, vintage//shoes and necklace, Target

How was your Thanksgiving weekend? Do you dress up fancy, or throw on a pair of yoga pants?

If you'd like, grab a button on the sidebar and link up below!

Want to guest post for LVS? Email me, I'd love to hear from you!

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

black friday

The majority of my Black Friday shopping was spent at a favorite local consignment shop trying on vintage dresses, and throwing open old pretty quilts to gush over all of the amazing prints. I avoided the crowds at major chain stores, but I also didn't make much of a dent in my Christmas shopping list (although I would have if the awesome wooden dollhouse they had didn't need quite so much TLC - the girls would have loved it). I am sure I missed out on some good deals for things we don't really need, but this year I am finding myself not so concerned about buying presents for us or the girls.

Yes, we will unwrap our traditional pajamas and a board game to play on Christmas Eve, but being comfortable and warm and laughing with my family is what I want to focus on. We will still have stockings and open presents on Christmas morning, but sitting down together for a delicious Husband-made breakfast of ebleskievers, and snuggling on the couch for a movie night is what I look forward to more.

I am sure the right, thoughtfully purchased presents for everyone will be found in time, but definitely in smaller amounts this year. In the meantime I did leave the shop that day with this little green velvet number for myself, so it wasn't a total loss... ;) Have you made a dent in your Christmas shopping? Did you brave the crowds last weekend, or hit up local shops and thrifts instead?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

little vintage style v.32

Welcome to Little Vintage Style, a place to show off your sweet little ones wearing vintage! Link up every Wednesday, and make sure to click around and say 'hello!' to all of the other vintage lovin' mamas like you!

Today we are traveling out of town to stay with family for Thanksgiving until early next week. I plan on stuffing my face, sneaking in a nap or two along with the baby, and enjoying lots of quality time with Husband. That is what I love the most about the holidays - he is home with us! Can't get enough of that man. 

These pictures were taken on a late Sunday afternoon. I pulled this cute school-themed dress from the shop after it hadn't sold in a year or so... which surprised me because I love this dress and the print is so fun - I guess I was meant to keep it!  

LM is wearing: dress, vintage//socks, Old Navy//shoes, Old Navy

Have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! If you'd like, grab a button on the sidebar and link up below...

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011



i am thankful for...

my family//my sweet girls
accomplishments big - standing!//and small - holding still for a hairdo!
a passion I truly love//pretty vintage frocks
delicious food//the chance to spend time with family this holiday

and many many more things I am blessed with every day.
so thankful.

and also, thank you for your friendship, comments, support, and inspiration. it sure means a lot.

(family picture taken with my iphone of original picture by collected photography)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

work in progress

 I started making progress on this little dress again after all the costume sewing craziness literally buried it in sequins. So far, the instructions have been clear and easy to execute. I even got the zipper sewn in right on my first try which I think may be a record for me - usually zippers and I don't get along well. Probably because I never learned how to sew them properly, which I tell myself I need to do every time and save myself the frustration of ripping them out. It's silly, really.

I got as far as the front yoke and then my progress was halted once more, this time by fabric choice. I had wondered if I should make the yoke out of a solid color in the beginning, and after seeing it all in the diamond print I don't have to wonder anymore. The best part of this dress, in my opinion, is the unique pointed yoke and it just doesn't stand out enough as it is... so, off to the fabric store to decide - blue or cream?

Are you sewing up a pattern? If so, leave me a link in the comments, I would love to see!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

little vintage style v.31

Welcome to Little Vintage Style, a place to show off your sweet little ones wearing vintage! Link up every Wednesday, and make sure to click around and say 'hello!' to all of the other vintage lovin' mamas like you!

Please say hello to Manda, the mama of three handsome boys, fellow vintage kids shop owner, and baker extraordinaire....

Hi - I'm Manda from Once Upon My Life. I've got three fun-loving, yummy little boys - Lincoln {5}, Malacai {3} and Levi {18 months}. I have a slight obsession with vintage clothes and thrift shopping. {I had to open an Etsy shop to help with this addiction - now I have a legitimate excuse to buy vintage children's clothes - and to buy sweet little dresses!}. 

I love that Stacy hosts LVS every week - it's so much fun for me to join in. I love attempting to do photo shoots of the boys - taking pictures of kids is no easy feat - and three rambunctious little boys? Haa - you can count on mostly getting "out-take" pictures. But I always get a good laugh looking through the photos.

I also love that LVS keeps me taking pictures of the boys - I know that as the years pass, I'll be glad I have so many pictures of them.

On this day - the boys were all wearing sweet little vintage button-ups. I love the colors and style. {And I love when all three of them are dressed similar - I know I won't be able to get away with it for too much longer...}.

On all three boys: button-ups: vintage, thrifted | jeans: thrifted | converse: thrifted

Thanks so much for having us Stacy! I so enjoy LVS, your blog and your lovely Etsy shop! You're such an inspiration to us vintage-lovers!

Thanks Manda, I love the matching plaid! Be sure to visit her blog and see her own darling vintage style, and the amazing dessert spread she made for her niece's first birthday.

And, if you'd like, grab a button on the sidebar and link up below...

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Monday, November 14, 2011

shop update

Hello friends! Our internet has been on the fritz lately but we finally got it working yesterday, and I took advantage of some free time and motivation to list a bunch of new items in the shop. I'm working on getting some holiday items listed soon too, and will be sure to let you know. I also reduced everything in the sale section to $4, so go grab yourself a deal.

Happy Monday, I need to go hurry and get ready - I think I heard a baby stirring...enjoy your day!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

little vintage style v.30

Welcome to Little Vintage Style, a place to show off your sweet little ones wearing vintage! Link up every Wednesday, and make sure to click around and say 'hello!' to all of the other vintage lovin' mamas like you!


Hello! So I guess I am technically cheating on this weeks post, but I thought I would share some of our old family photos (and totally not because I haven't taken any pictures of my kids since Halloween).  This first one is a real gem and one of my favorites. My mother and two oldest sisters in matching handmade stripes/apples outfits. A part of me really wants to reenact this picture with my own two girls, I know my mom would think it was hilarious. I do find myself matching my kids on accident with similar color schemes and styles frequently, how about you?

When I was young we lived in California. That little beach baby is me, and my sister just above me is standing by the stroller. My sister and I are about the same age difference as LM and Lark, and when I look at these pictures I can't help but see them. I was so happy when I found out I was having another girl because I know what having a sister so close in age is like - awesome! I also found a jacket pretty similar to this one that I am looking forward to Lark wearing this Spring.

Here I am at 8 months and 3 years, the same ages LM and Lark are now. I thought it would be fun to make a comparison. I can still remember hating that red calico dress - I did not want to wear it and I'm pretty sure I made that clear in the picture! To this day I very rarely wear red. Some things never change.

And, here is Husband at 1 year and 2 years (the closet ages I could find to the girls). I think LM looks more like him, but Lark looks more like me. What do you think?

Hope you enjoyed a little peek into our past! If you'd like, link up below...

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Monday, November 7, 2011

family pictures: four of harts

A couple of weeks ago we were lucky to have our family pictures taken by the talented Bri, who if you remember also took our last family of three pictures. I love the moments she captured of our new family of four! She also shoots film which I really admire. The weather was beautiful, the girls were mostly cooperative (LM wouldn't pose by herself), and Bri made us feel comfortable right away. It was hard to pick just a few favorites, so get ready for an onslaught of photos!

All photos by Bri at Collected Photography

In case you are wondering, yes, LM is wearing the same dress as our last photo shoot. I just couldn't find one I liked with the rest of our outfits as well, so there you go! I was glad it was warm enough she didn't have to wear a sweater this time so you can really see it because it's one of my favorites. And, I think she is even wearing the same hair clip which is funny because I grabbed it at the last minute as we were walking out the door.

I love my little family of four. It is amazing how it is already hard for me to remember what it was like with just the three of us - Lark has added so much joy in our lives. Can I tell you that I am already looking forward to adding another baby or two (or three) into the mix? Not now, but soon enough!

Just in case you wondered...
Mama wore: dress, Shabby Apple/ necklace, Target
Papa wore: sweater, Gap/pants, Gap/shoes, Vans
LM wore: dress, vintage/tights, Old Navy/shoes, Old Navy/hair clip, handmade by my sister
Lark wore: dress, vintage/headband, handmade by my sister/tights, hand-me-downs/shoes, gift from lovely friend Vanessa

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

shop update: NEW look!

The etsy shop got its own little makeover to match the blog's new look. Head on over to check it out, along with some pretty new dresses I just listed!

little vintage style v.29

Welcome to Little Vintage Style, a place to show off your sweet little ones wearing vintage! Link up every Wednesday, and make sure to click around and say 'hello!' to all of the other vintage lovin' mamas like you!


If you celebrated Halloween, I hope you had a fun one! At our house we had a pretty sparkly butterfly and a cute fuzzy caterpillar...

LM wore a vintage 50's tap dance costume with matching hair piece I bought off ebay a couple of months ago. It is pretty much her uniform of choice these days - if you ever happen to wonder what she is wearing at any given moment (because why wouldn't you?), there is a very good chance it is this with ballet flats.

I found her butterfly wings at the thrift store, recovered them, and added a bunch of sparkle per her request. I know I could have just bought her new ones, but I want to make at least part of her costume every year if I can. It was tedious work sewing on the sequins, but worth it when she gave me a big hug, and said they were 'boo-tiful' (unintentional Halloween joke, that's really how she says it)

Lark's entire costume was handmade by me last minute that afternoon. Considering my time crunch I am quite proud of how it turned out. If you look closely you can see the little legs down the sides, they kind of got out shown by the fuzzy stripes. I was going to make her a little pink hood, but ran out of time... no procrastinating next year! (not making any promises).

Husband and I didn't end up in costumes and that's okay. Sometimes you just have to not worry about less important things so the more important things, like feeding your family dinner, and trick-or-treating get done. 

LM would only say 'trick or treat!' to the neighbors she recognized, was done after knocking on about 15 doors, and was happy to go to sleep after a candy bedtime snack. Lark chewed on a candy bar (in wrapper). We are calling it a success!

If you'd like, link up below!

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