My mother made the vests, aren't they adorable? She used vest patterns she already had and just added fringe and ribbon. There was also a V of fringe on the back.

I was in charge of the head dresses. They were so easy, all you need are colorful feathers, glue, and ribbon or fabric strips. Since my mom had leftover suede fabric and I didn't bring enough ribbon (oops) we used long fabric strips and only glued the ribbon on the front part of the head dress. Just glue the feathers between the fabric and the ribbon. This was an easy craft for all the kids.
My brother was the face painting artist and the kids told him what colors and designs they wanted.

My second oldest sister brought everything to make bows and arrows! This was definitely the craft they were most excited about. The instructions on how to make these are in the Boy Scouts of America handbook, and they work really well!

We also put together leather pouch kits, moccasin kits (found at Roberts) and made rain sticks from paper towel rolls filled with rice, beans, bells, and screws. Whew, I can't believe we got it all done in two days!
And here are all of the little Indians together! The little miss was roused from her nap to get in this picture so we'll just say she has a papoose on!