Husband and I sat down earlier this month to write down our goals for the year. We broke down our lives into different categories one of which was 'our relationship.' Among other things, we decided to surprise one another each month with a small gift or act of service that costs little to nothing.
The point being that we would be thinking about the other person and how we could make life for them a little easier, love them a little more, or make them happy in some little way. Because sometimes its hard to forget about yourself. So I will be starting a new series of posts documenting how we do - partly to make sure we do it.
I surprised Husband with a bag of pistachios to snack on at work. It was a very simple thing, but it made him happy.
Husband surprised me by cleaning the entire house while I was away - toilet and tub scrubbed, kitty litter changed out, the works! It made me extra happy.
I need to step up my game next month so I've been thinking about him a lot lately. And since that was the point I guess so far its working.