I attended Kelly's crochet class a few weeks ago. I highly recommend it - she corrected my improper technique and has me well on my way to crocheting the granny square blanket of my dreams. I just need about ten more colors and then I can really get in the groove.
The Little Miss is starting to walk down the stairs by herself. The first time she did this it brought me to tears - an emotional combination of pure joy in witnessing her accomplishment and the realization that my baby is growing up.
Working a booth at the Health and Wholeness Expo last weekend was fun. It was a good reminder to me that I need to better put into practice all of the knowledge I have gained about health. First on my list is to start making my own cottage cheese from grass-fed raw milk since it is one of the Little Miss' favorite foods.
I exercise three times a week with other moms in my neighborhood and every Friday we do Zumba. Have you gotten in on the craze? My abs are sore from all the hip shaking fun.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Your blanket is going to look SO AWESOME!!!!