
Monday, December 3, 2012

stuff and things

This tiny tree is the little bit of Christmas spirit I have brought out for the girls so far... If I get my Christmas wish (there is such a thing, right?) we will be unpacking the big tree along with all of the other decorations in our new house. Which would be perfect because we won't have much else to fill it with at first.

I am feeling pretty antsy about that fact. That we won't have everything we need to make our home feel like home. We have been working so hard on cosmetics, but now that stage is coming to an end I find myself focusing more and more on the filling part. I am trying my best not to feel like I need everything now, but this nesting that has been building inside of me the last few years is telling me I need stuff.

Like curtains, and rugs, and towels, and dishes, and artwork, and pillows, and things.

And typing that out makes me feel silly and shallow but it's true. So I am going to be working a lot on my patience and frugality, and keep reminding myself (and that pesky nesting bug) that it's not the stuff that really matters in our home, it's our family. It's our love for each other. And if we keep focused on what's most important, our home will be filled to the brim.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

home stretch

Oh, hi there. I blinked and it was next week.

We are still deep into house projects around here. Living and breathing to-do lists that somehow seem to get longer rather than shorter even though we are checking things off left and right. It's the little finishing things that add up (and sooooo much painting). But, we are starting to see all of our hard work pay off and it is some kind of awesome. We are doing this and it is starting to look like a normal-put-back-together-livable-waaaaaay-better-than-it-used-to-be house. I know no one else will realize just how much sweat and tears we put into this place, but we know and we are so proud.

I can't wait to show you more of our progress, but more often than not I am there late at night after the girls are asleep (my dad stays home with them in case they wake up) and it's too dark for pictures. It will look much better after we give it a nice deep clean anyway - ooh, that's going to be nice!

Thanks for sticking around while I put all of my creative energy into painting baseboards.