
Sunday, October 31, 2010

happy halloween!

from Little Red Riding Hood, the Woodsmen, and the Wolf disguised as Grandma

 And despite what it looks like in the picture below (and the pouring rain outside), there was a happy ending to our story. We had a great Halloween filled with three fun parties and lot of tricks and treats. Hope you did too!

And this shot is from today. The Little Miss was eying my wolf nose all day Saturday, so this morning before church she requested a "dog nose" of her own (all day yesterday she kept telling me, "Mommy, you look like a dog," and then she would howl. It made me laugh). 

How could I resist such a request?


  1. clever costumes, avery is looking so old!

    haha, can't wait to find out what baby #2 is going to be after all this suspense! i'm betting it's a boy and you and danielle spontaneously choose the same name again.


  2. Thanks for letting us join you in some of your Halloween festivities. It was great. :) I loved your costumes and I am in awe over how adorable Avery's cape was. I cannot believe you made that. You are extremely talented. :) I kinda want one for me... is that weird?

  3. Um...just added you to my blog roll because you're AWESOME!!!!

  4. Great costumes, I also love Avery's cape. Um, maybe her cousin can borrow it in a few years (the cousin being Addy...yes? please?)You guys look awesome! So I had to laugh that Avery wanted you to put a dog nose on her, Briggs had someone paint on his face at Halloween, and he also asks me everyday to draw something on his face ha ha ha. Glad to hear you had a fun Halloween!

  5. so cute! my daughter was lil red for halloween when she was 2! i love your version! so sweet!

